My Summer Essentials


With the beautiful summer comes the beautiful sunshine and my summer essentials and tips. I truly experience summer almost year round living in the state of Texas so my blends that I have mentioned below are ones that I use all of the time. One of my most essential tips is to always use Sunscreen and Wear a Hat to protect yourself from the sun. Another tip for the summertime that is extremely important is to stay hydrated with water and even electrolytes. Water and Electrolytes are so important to families that visit theme parks and the beaches in the summertime. Nothing is worse than laying out in the beautiful sun all day and be completely dehydrated. Actually there probably is one worse thing than being dehydrated from laying in the sun and that would be to have a horrible sunburn. I have created some blends that are of the utmost importance to use in the summer time. If you are traveling this summer, visiting family, theme parks, or another country these essentials should always be in your luggage!

There is nothing worse than realizing you didn’t apply more sunscreen throughout the day. Now you have left the beach or the theme park and realize that you have a sunburn!! I’m not sure what is worse the adults that have the sunburns or the little kids. The first blend I have is unique because it actually is a dual purpose product. My Acne Ease Gel can be used if you get sunburned. It is cooling to the skin as well as it assists to dismiss the burn due to the Lavender and Aloe Gel in this blend. Below is the link for this product.

Who here experiences allergies on the daily? If it’s not allergies you suffer with do you have respiratory concerns, then you should consider this item to add into your routine. The second blend I recommend is Breathe Free. Now Breathe Free is almost always needed in the state of Texas due to all of the allergies we seem to incur on a yearly basis. Breathe Free helps to keep the pollen at bay and allows the nasal passages to stay open. Below if the link for this product.

ABSOLUTELY NO ONE likes to be sick on vacation or while traveling to their vacation spot. Probably one of the worst things that can happen is to be on an airplane and the person next to you starts to cough or is visibly sick. Also who hates to spray themselves with the strong smelling bug spray I know I do! The third and final summer essential I recommend is another dual purpose product, Immune Assist. Whether you are traveling on an airplane or just heading to a weekend road trip this product will aid you greatly. This blend is used to support the Immune System to stay well. It also repels mosquitoes and bugs. Below is the link for this product.

What are some of your favorite summer essentials? Do you have any favorite tips that you love to share with everyone you love to help them to have a safe and wonderful summer?